Next: The Early Church Today – What’s In A Name?
Rev. Eric Schalk This morning we’ll explore how the early church received the name “Christian,” and what that name means for us today.
Rev. Eric Schalk This morning we’ll explore how the early church received the name “Christian,” and what that name means for us today.
Dr. Branson Parler Our text this week stands at a turning point in the history of God’s redemptive work. We see that the outpouring of God’s Spirit is not only for the physical descendants of Abraham but that, in Christ, Gentiles also receive the fullness of God’s Spirit. We will see that God calls Peter…
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Rev. Eric Schalk After spending a few weeks focused on Saul, today we shift our focus back to Peter to see what God has been doing through him. Through Peter’s ministry, we will see some of his gifts for ministry, and explore what spiritual gifts mean for us today.
Rev. Eric Schalk Today we’ll dive into the passage that follows on the heels of Saul’s conversion. We’ll examine how Saul dove into his mission of sharing the gospel, and how his peers reacted to his sudden change. Through Saul’s experience, we’ll see our need for discipleship and call to share Jesus.
Rev. Eric Schalk This morning we will examine Saul’s conversion. By wrestlig with Saul’s story, we will see our need to turn to Jesus every day for the grace we need to grow as believers.
Dr. Branson Parler Today we will see both the power of the gospel as well as the confusion that happens when we try to make the gospel about us. Though Simon the sorcerer was baptized, he failed to grasp his own sin and need for repentance. He wanted to follow King Jesus for how Jesus…
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Maxwell Nkansah
Rev. Eric Schalk Acts 7 Today’s text provides a crucial turning point in the life of the early church. As we contemplate Stephen’s speech, and subsequent murder, we’ll examine our relationship with God to see if we relate more with Stephen or the religious leaders who persecuted the church.
Rev. Eric Schalk This morning our text brings us to another trial before the Sanhedrin. As the religious leaders work to squash the Jesus movement, we’ll reflect on how we are called to suffer for Jesus with joy.
Dr. Branson Parler This morning we’ll see how we need a healthy fear of the Lord, and examine how we’re typically driven by an unhealthy fear of wordly things.