1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Category: Scripture

Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

Sing Unto the Lord a New Song

Maxwell Nkansah  

Next: The Early Church Today – Inciting Incident

Rev. Eric Schalk Acts 7 Today’s text provides a crucial turning point in the life of the early church. As we contemplate Stephen’s speech, and subsequent murder, we’ll examine our relationship with God to see if we relate more with Stephen or the religious leaders who persecuted the church.

Next: The Early Church Today – Mission Impossible

Dr. Branson Parler Acts 1:12-26 In Acts 1:8, Jesus sets out what appears to be – from a human perspective – an impossible mission. In our text for today, we will see what enables and empowers the early church to begin their task of witnessing to Jesus.

Everyday Faith

Rev. Eric Schalk Last week we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus and experienced the joy of new life. How do we take the excitement of Easter with us throughout our lives? How do we experience our faith on a daily basis? This morning we will look to the early church to see what everyday faith…
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Forever One Thing

Pastor Tim Meendering Our gathering today marks a significant transition for all of us as I take up the work of Transition Ministry in the Great Lakes Region. Looking back over 20 years, some of you have heard well over a 1,000 of my sermons and all kinds of teaching in between. As we focus…
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Life & Light

Pastor Tim Meendering If you were to review this last busy week of your life, what would it reveal about how much you value God’s Word? We will see why the Bible is so precious and should rightly take up a substantial role in our heart, mind and life.