1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505


Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

Sunday Worship – March 29, 2020

Worship Set Children’s Worship Message


Yesterday the Governor issued another executive order, this time asking all Michiganders to shelter in place for the next three weeks. I felt the weight of that new order as I pondered how to care for our church body, and also for the many people who are not connected to a church who are struggling…
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Fireside Message: Jesus Calms the Storm

The message for today comes from Mark 4:35-41.

Announcements 3/20

Bold Prayer

Hey Fourth Family.  If you’re like me, it is taking some time to adjust to this new normal of social distancing. Because my kids are home long term, it sort of feels like summer vacation, except that there is almost no where to go, and not much to do right now. It is only their…
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Encouraging Each Other

It’s Monday, but it is not a normal Monday. Like every other parent in Michigan, my kids are home from school, and we’re trying to figure out how to use the time beyond video games, Netflix, and endless lounging around. The kids aren’t the only ones trying to figure out life. I’m currently in my…
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Fourth Church Coronavirus Update

Greetings Fourth Family. If you’re like me, you likely experienced an odd sensation as you got up this morning and realized you would not be preparing to attend worship at Fourth. Worship is one of my favorite weekly activities and I missed our time together in the Fellowship Hall today.  Our consistory met this morning…
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Embodying the Gospel #17 – Marriage, Singleness and Jesus

Rev. Eric Schalk Matthew 19

Embodying the Gospel #16 – A Set Apart People

Rev. Eric Schalk Leviticus 18, Acts 15

Embodying the Gospel #15 – One Flesh Covenant

Dr. Branson Parler Genesis 1-2