1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

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Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

Can These Bones Live?

Pastor Tim Meendering On this side of heaven, we will be barraged with deep wounds, disappointment and discouragement. Our text this morning shows us the way of hope for whatever comes our way.

True Worshippers

Pastor Tim Meendering Every believer is inclined toward deterioration into merely going through the motions of life and worship. Our story this morning will show us the way to turn outward with deep and genuine love for Jesus and the often unlovable people that we meet everyday.

The Spirit of Life

Dr. Branson Parler We often wrestle with sin on a daily basis. This morning we will look at Romans 8 to see how the work of the Holy Spirit has a transforming effect on our lives as Christians. When we understand the work and power of God the Spirit, our hearts and lives will be…
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Wrestling With a Limp

Pastor Tim Meendering The story of Jacob reveals how the default mode of our sinful hearts is self-reliance. But God graciously cripples and fights against us so that we lose our independent, self-saving ways. We will see how God pours out his blessing when we persevere and struggle with him.

Doing the Impossible

Pastor Tim Meendering We know that we are to obey and become like Jesus but Jesus’ teaching and life raise the bar to what seems to be an impossible height. Our text this morning will show us how to do and obey the impossible. We will see what it means to trust in a great…
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Called to be Sent

Jake Parks This morning we will examine part of Matthew chapter 10 in which Jesus gives an extended discourse on what it means to be one who is sent. In the verses 1-15 he calls his disciples and then sends them with instructions on how to go about their mission. They are called to Jesus…
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Love for Life

Pastor Tim Meendering This morning, we go back to basics by developing some clarity around what is love, what it looks like and why it’s so vital. Our look at 1 Corinthians 13 will help us take our spiritual pulse and show us the way toward spiritual beauty and health.

Faithful Father

Pastor Tim Meendering The history of Israel and their kings reveals how the ugliness of sin naturally passes from one generation to the next. But, at the same time, no matter how deep the hole in which we find ourselves, God will often graciously work to intervene and transform the mess into beauty and joy.…
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Speaking the Language

Jake Parks Today is Pentecost Sunday, the day in which we commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church which happened shortly after Jesus ascended into heaven. The events of Pentecost are incredible and mysterious. This morning, we will focus on the gift of languages that happened at Pentecost and what that means…
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Bread of Life

Pastor Tim Meendering As we gather around the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper today, we will learn what it means for Jesus to be the Bread of Life for us. Pray for his Word, Spirit and sacrament to renew and transform us.