1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

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Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

We Will Remember

Pastor Tim Meendering This morning, we gather around the Word for infinitely valuable refreshing and remembering. We will be warned about the grave danger of forgetting God, what leads to this condition and how we can get back to holding up God as the center of our hearts and lives.

I Was Blind But Now I See

Pastor Eric Schalk This morning we will consider what it means to see the whole person of Jesus, and not just the small pieces we like to fixate on. By looking at the healing of a blind man, and the fallout with the Pharisees, we will see what it means to consider Jesus the light…
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The Battle for Your Soul

Pastor Tim Meendering Scripture warns that our own sinful hearts and the daily diversions and desires of life will lull us into a deadly spiritual stupor. Our text today will show us how to prevail in the battle for our soul.

Resurrection Life

Bible Text: Luke 24 Pastor Tim Meendering As we gather together on this beautiful day, we will see why and how the resurrection of Jesus is an astonishing life-changer. Jesus died and rose again so that we can rise above the mundane and dead-end dreams of this world.

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