1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

The Community Garden Remains Open

Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

The Community Garden Remains Open

Recently a story ran on WOOD TV regarding Fourth Reformed’s relationship with New City Neighbors. We’ve spent a lot of time this week listening to phone calls, along with reading through emails, letters, and Facebook comments. As we continue to listen, and work on responding, there is one thing we’d like to address right now to clear up some confusion. 

Fourth Reformed is not closing the community garden. At no time did we ever consider shutting down the community garden that exists next to the farm. We started the garden with the purpose of providing a space for our community to grow produce and connect with their neighbors. We know the garden is a great resource for our community and it continues to be open to all people. We love the way neighbors work together in that space, and we are eager to see that continue for as long as possible.