1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Consistory Nominations

Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

It is that time of year when we once again nominate people to serve as elders and deacons at Fourth Church.

The elder and deacon nominating process requires you to participate in nominating men and women to serve at Fourth. You can see the process outlined below:

Step 1: Congregation Nominates People to be Considered

Step 2: Executive Team Consolidates and Prayerfully Evaluates Nominees

Step 3: Nominees Contacted

Step 4: Election by Lot

During a future worship service, the name of each nominee will be written on paper and
placed in an offering plate. One plate for elder and one plate for deacon. The outgoing elder or deacon will draw a name from the corresponding plate, and that person will be considered elected to the office. 

Step 5: Installation

At a future date we will install elders and deacons to their offices. 

As your pastor, I would like to encourage you in three ways as you prayerfully consider who God wants you to nominate to serve:

  1. If you are a professing member at Fourth, 18 years or older, take the time to participate in this process by nominating candidates for elder and deacon. This is one way we get to all engage in the leadership of our church family, and we would really like everyone to submit a ballot. 
  2. Take time to engage in this process. Read over the Nomination Worksheet which shows the qualifications for elder and deacon, along with some of the duties each has in serving the church. Think about who might serve those roles well, and take real time to pray. When you pray, be bold and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the names of people that he wants to help lead Fourth Church. 
  3. Please do not nominate yourself. If you really believe God is calling you to serve, then trust that the Holy Spirit will lead others to nominate you. And if he doesn’t, then spend time in prayer asking God where else he would like you to serve in his church. 

You can click here for the Eligibility List which shows consistory members who will continue to serve in 2021, along with members who are going off in December. You’ll also see a list of people who are ineligible for various reasons. 

You can also click here for an Online Ballot. Once you’ve prayed and are ready, please fill out your ballot and hit submit. You’ll notice you can nominate up to three people for each office. You don’t need to fill all the spots, but we ask that you nominate at least one person for each office, and no more than three.

You are welcome to fill out a paper ballot found on the welcome table at church. All ballots must be submitted by Sunday, October 4

If you have questions about the process, please do not hesitate to talk to me, or another member of consistory.

In Christ,

Pastor Eric