1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Mission Groups

Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

Mission Groups come in various shapes, sizes and purposes and meet throughout the week.

  1. Mission Groups (Sept – May) – Meet in homes around Grand Rapids on Sunday evenings at 5:00. They represent groups of people who come together to live out our church’s mission of “Following Jesus together, serving each other, and sharing God’s love.” We do that through Bible study, prayer, meals, and serving. Mission groups typically end around 7:00pm.

  2. Women’s Bible Studies:
    Tuesday mornings at 10:00 at the church.

  3. Men’s Bible Study
    Wednesday Morning Group meets at 6:30 at New Beginnings. A time where there is sharing, accountability and studying God’s Word.
    Thursday Evening Group meets at 7:00 at the church and is currently studying the book of Revelation.

  4. Prayer Shawl Ministry – This group meets every Thursday at 9:00AM at Rest Haven Home. Women spend time together knitting prayer shawls for people who are in need.