1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Fourth Church Coronavirus Update

Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

Fourth Church Coronavirus Update

Greetings Fourth Family.

If you’re like me, you likely experienced an odd sensation as you got up this morning and realized you would not be preparing to attend worship at Fourth. Worship is one of my favorite weekly activities and I missed our time together in the Fellowship Hall today. 

Our consistory met this morning to discuss next steps for our church body. Through prayer and much consideration, we have decided to suspend our worship gatherings through Sunday, April 5. We are going to regularly re-evaluate this decision, but as of right now, we are planning to gather together again on Sunday, April 12 to celebrate Easter together. 

The consistory also took the step to cancel all ministry related activities at the church for the upcoming week. That means from today, through March 21 there will be no Bible studies, ministries, or other activities taking place at the church. We made this decision out of an abundance of caution, and in an attempt to follow government recommendations. We will be re-evaluating this decision at the end of the week to determine when programming will resume. 

Because we are not able to gather together for a while, we will be working on some resources to help us stay connected and growing. Our hope is to post sermons on Sunday’s that you will be able to listen to, or maybe even watch. We have a desire to create devotions, or other Bible study tools throughout the week to help you stay rooted in Christ, and we want to utilize online forums to keep us praying together. In the coming days, we encourage you to check our website, www.fourthchurch.com, Facebook page, and keep an eye on your email to stay informed. 

For those of you wondering about tithing during the next few weeks, we are looking into online giving options. You are also welcome to mail your tithe in, or simply wait until we gather again. 

While we practice social distancing to avoid the spread of this virus, we want you to know you are not alone. As the body of Christ, this is an amazing time to support and encourage each other and our neighbors. Elders and deacon will be checking in from time time, but if a need arises in your home, please do not hesitate to reach out to your elder/deacon, the church office, or post something on facebook.

You also don’t need to wait until a need arises. We encourage you to call each other, send cards, and find creative ways to be together in the days ahead.

In Summary:

  • We are suspending worship services through Sunday, April 5.
  • We will not have any activities, Bible studies, or ministries taking place at the church this week. 
  • We hope to provide resources for spiritual growth on our website, Facebook, and through email in the coming days. 
  • Keep encouraging each other through creative means. 

These are challenging times, but our God is greater than anything taking place in this world. As believers, we have hope, joy, and peace because of our great savior Jesus Christ. 

If you have any questions, please let us know.

May the peace of Christ be with you all.

Pastor Eric