Rate according to WHO YOU ARE, not who you would like to be or think you should be:1. I am successful at getting a group to do its work efficiently.Rarely Often2. I have a strong desire to share the Gospel with people who have never had the opportunity to hear it.Rarely Often3. Others have affirmed the reliability of my insights or perceptions.Rarely Often4. I am always looking for ways to build relationships with non-Christians. Rarely Often5. I welcome opportunities to offer comfort and encourgement to people who are hurting.Rarely Often6. I receive prayer requests from others and consistently pray for them. Rarely Often7. Without hesitation, I give generously and freely to worthwhile projects and ministries.Rarely Often8. I enjoy meeting new people and helping them to feel welcome. Rarely Often9. For my own enjoyment, I regularly and systematically study God’s Word.Rarely Often10. I am able to lead and partner with others toward accomplishing specific tasks.Rarely Often11. I enjoy bringing hope and joy to people living in difficult circumstances. Rarely Often12. I am not afraid to take a stand for the truth of God's Word, even if it irritates others.Rarely Often13. I can faithfully provide long-term support and care for others.Rarely Often14. I enjoy accomplishing necessary tasks that others would consider mundane or insignificant.Rarely Often15. I effectively communicate biblical truths which produce changes in knowledge, attitudes, values or conduct.Rarely Often16. I can analyze a situation quickly, clearly and correctly.Rarely Often17. I am able to organize ideas, people and things for more effective results.Rarely Often18. I have a strong desire to oversee or contribute to the establishment of new churches.Rarely Often19. I am frequently able to perceive when someone’s true motives are not reflected in what they are saying.Rarely Often20. I look for occasions to share what Jesus means when I am with unchurched friends and neighbors.Rarely Often21. I take real delight in reaching out and encouraging inactive or uninvolved Christians.Rarely Often22. I see God consistently and specifically answer my prayers.Rarely Often23. I manage my money well in order to give more of it to ministry needs. Rarely Often24. I have a knack for making people comfortable in unfamiliar situations.Rarely Often25. I have a strong desire to study God’s Word.Rarely Often26. I am effective at motivating others to accomplish a goal.Rarely Often27. I enjoy helping people who are sometimes regarded as undeserving or beyond help. Rarely Often28. I will speak God’s truth, even in places where it is unpopular or difficult for others to accept. Rarely Often29. It is important for me to know intimately and be well known by those I serve and guide.Rarely Often30. I enjoy taking care of physical tasks for the church.Rarely Often31. I am able to explain God's Word in such a way that others understand it.Rarely Often32. I enjoy working out solutions to complicated problems.Rarely Often33. Setting goals and objectives and making plans to accomplish them is something I do well.Rarely Often34. More than most, I have a strong desire to see people from other countries/cultures won to the Lord.Rarely Often35. I can readily sense when someone is promoting God’s purposes or their own personal agenda.Rarely Often36. I can share the Gospel message in a way that really impacts the other person.Rarely Often37. People often express to me how much I've encouraged them in time of need.Rarely Often38. I regularly feel compelled to pray specifically for people or circumstances.Rarely Often39. I can give sacrificially most any time because I know that God will meet all my needs.Rarely Often40. I genuinely believe the Lord directs people to me who need to get connected to others. Rarely Often41. I am approached by people who want to know my perspective on a particular passage or biblical truth. Rarely Often42. I am a person of vision and am able to communicate that vision to others so that they commit to making it a reality.Rarely Often43. I feel great compassion for those who are hurting.Rarely Often44. I often have a strong sense of God's direction for others.Rarely Often45. I enjoy being responsible for the spiritual well-being of a group of Christians.Rarely Often46. I look for ways to lend a hand whenever and wherever I can.Rarely Often47. I enjoy explaining things to people so that they can grow spiritually and personally. Rarely Often48. I feel that I have a special spiritual insight in selecting the best alternative in a difficult situation.Rarely Often49. I can think through a process or event, anticipate problems and plan solutions. Rarely Often50. I have a real desire to promote the ministry of Jesus beyond the life of my congregation.Rarely Often51. The genuineness of an individual’s spirit is quickly evident to me.Rarely Often52. I find myself regularly sharing the Gospel with non-believers.Rarely Often53. I have directed others to biblical principles to deal with their suffering.Rarely Often54. I find it natural and easy to trust God to answer my prayers. Rarely Often55. I look for extra opportunities to give without being asked.Rarely Often56. I enjoy preparing and serving meals for others.Rarely Often57. I desire to learn as much as I can so that I might better understand God and His creation.Rarely Often58. I can adjust my leadership style to bring out the best in others. Rarely Often59. I can patiently support those going through painful experiences as they try to stabilize their lives. Rarely Often60. I see most actions as right or wrong and feel the need to correct the wrong.Rarely Often61. I seek to protect and provide for those under my spiritual care.Rarely Often62. Others have sought me out to assist them in some way.Rarely Often63. I like taking difficult truths from God’s Word and conveying them in a way that is clear and concise.Rarely Often64. When deciding between several biblical alternatives, I have a clear sense of which one is best.Rarely Often65. I know when and to whom to delegate important responsibilies.Rarely Often66. I like to build bridges with people of other cultures and languages so that I might share Christ with them.Rarely Often67. I recognize when a teaching or communication is not true to the Bible. Rarely Often68. I joyfully share what Christ has done for me with anyone who will listen.Rarely Often69. People seek me out to help them find God’s solution to their problems. Rarely Often70. When I hear about challenging or desparate situations, I feel burdened to pray.Rarely Often71. When asked to contribute financially, I welcome the requests, consider them seriously, and often respond.Rarely Often72. I strive to make people feel like they belong. Rarely Often73. I accurately discover important truths when reading or studying scripture.Rarely Often74. When I join a group, others seem to back off and expect me to take the lead.Rarely Often75. I desire to work with those who have physical or mental problems in order to help alleviate their suffering.Rarely Often76. The truths of God's Word compel me to speak out concerning various issues and behaviors.Rarely Often77. My heart aches when people I know stop coming to church and I want to do something to try and restore them.Rarely Often78. I enjoy accomplishing routine tasks even though I may never receive any recognition for doing it.Rarely Often79. I can communicate Scripture in ways that motivate others to study and want to learn more. Rarely Often80. When others have a problem, I am frequently able to provide them with Godly direction and options.Rarely Often81. I am able to make effective and efficient plans to accomplish goals as a team.Rarely Often82. Being involved in the launching of a new congregation sounds exciting to me.Rarely Often83. I can accurately distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong. Rarely Often84. I look for opportunities to talk about spiritual matters with those around me. Rarely Often85. I reassure individuals who need courage to take action in their faith, family or life.Rarely Often86. I am regularly challenging others to trust God. Rarely Often87. I like knowing that my financial support makes a real difference in the lives and ministries of God’s people. Rarely Often88. My home is always open to people passing through who need a place to stay.Rarely Often89. I confidently and regularly share my knowledge and insights with others. Rarely Often90. I usually think about long-range not short-range goals.Rarely Often91. I can look beyond a person’s handicaps or problems to see a life that matters to God. Rarely Often92. I can speak in a way that causes conviction and life change in others. Rarely Often93. I enjoy spending time caring for and nurturing others.Rarely Often94. I really don't mind being interrupted to assist someone else.Rarely Often95. I like devoting considerable time to learning Biblical truths in order to communicate them to others.Rarely Often96. I can often find simple, practical solutions in the midst of confusion or conflict.Rarely Often97. I am skilled at managing details. Rarely Often98. People of a different race or culture have been attracted to me and we have related well.Rarely Often99. I always see through a person who is a phony before it is clearly evident to others.Rarely Often100. I am repeatedly able to lead others to salvation through Christ.Rarely Often101. I often encourage the wavering, troubled or discouraged.Rarely Often102. When all looks dim, I often say and do things that demonstrate my confidence in God.Rarely Often103. Committing a generous portion of my financial resources to the work of the Lord brings me great joy.Rarely Often104. I do whatever I can to see to it that others are taken care of and feel comfortable.Rarely Often105. I commit and schedule time for Bible study, to understand biblical truth fully and accurately. Rarely Often106. I like to figure out where we need to go and help us get there. Rarely Often107. I possess an unusual capacity to understand the feelings of those in distress.Rarely Often108. I have stood firm in love and shown others how their sin would cost them.Rarely Often109. I take the initiative in helping other Christians grow deeper in their faith.Rarely Often110. I enjoy working behind the scenes to support the work of others. Rarely Often111. I can present information and skills to others in a way that it is easy to grasp and apply to their lives. Rarely Often112. People with spiritual problems seem to come to me for advice and counsel.Rarely Often113. Planning comes easily to me. Rarely Often114. I enjoy pioneering new undertakings. Rarely Often115. I can sense when demonic forces are present in a situation or person. Rarely Often116. I sometimes get frustrated when others do not seem to share their faith as much as I do.Rarely Often117. I am able to challenge or rebuke others in order to foster their spiritual growth. Rarely Often118. I am confident that God will accomplish great things that may seem impossible to others.Rarely Often119. I feel like I've been given abundant resources so that I can give more to the Lord’s work. Rarely Often120. I like to create a place where people do not feel that they are alone.Rarely Often121. I have a hungry curiosity to know all kinds of things and a restless mind that wants to know how everything fits.Rarely Often122. When I speak, people seem to listen and agree.Rarely Often123. People know that they can count on me to help others who are in need.Rarely Often124. I feel compelled to expose sin whenever I see it and to challenge people to repentance. Rarely Often125. I enjoy giving guidance and practical support to a small group of people. Rarely Often126. I like to find small things that need to be done and do them without being asked.Rarely Often127. I desire to teach God’s Word regularly.Rarely Often128. I can anticipate the likely consequences of a person’s or a group’s action.Rarely Often Spiritual Gifts Scores S.H.A.P.E. Survey [S]piritual Gifts Top 3 Spiritual Gifts from Spiritual Gifts Survey Note: click the 'see/update results of survey' button above if these 3 results are empty. 1. 2. 3. I feel I have these gifts because [H]eart Three things I love to do: Who I love to work with most, and the age or type of people: Church issues, ministries, or possible needs that excite or concern me the most: If I knew I couldn't fail, this is what I would attempt to do for God with my life: [A]bilities My current vocation: Other jobs I have experience in: Special talents/skills that I have: I have taught a class or seminar on: I feel my most valuable personal asset is: [P]ersonality Select where you lean in these differing personality traits: Extroverted Introverted Thinker Feeler Routine Variety Reserved Expressive Cooperative Competitive [E]xperience My Testimony of how I became a Christian Other significant spiritual experiences that stand out in my life are: These are the kinds of trials or problems I could relate to and encourage a fellow Christian in: Ministry Experience (Where I have served in the past, if applicable, including Church Name, City/State, Position, Years Involved) Submit Information Thank you for taking the time to complete the assessment. 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