1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Category: Uncategorized

Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

Good Friday

Holy Week – Anointed

This morning, as I stare out my office window, the wind is whipping the purple fabric on the cross. Over the last two weeks, since putting up the cross, I’ve adjusted the fabric numerous times. The wind keeps grabbing hold of the ends of the material and twisting it around the cross, making it a…
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4th Good News

Tune in for some important announcements and reminders regarding Holy Week, and a bonus weather report.

Holy Week – Jesus vs. Religious Leaders

If you’re following the blog, then you know I’m reflecting on Holy Week as told in the Gospel of Mark. So far this week, we’ve looked at Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He caused a huge stir in the city, and put people on edge. Folks were anxious about what Jesus was up to, and…
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Holy Week – Fig Tree & Temple

This Holy Week is unlike many I’ve experienced in years past. Typically I’d be spending time with leaders from New City Church, and Creston CRC making final arrangements for our joint Good Friday service. On top of that, we’d be coordinating our own Easter breakfast and worship service. Holy Week is typically full of activity…
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Sunday Worship – April 5, 2020

Worship – Kongcheng Children’s Worship – Amy Message – Eric

Share Your Story

I’ve spent a lot of time lately on the internet. Between Zoom meetings, blog updates, Facebook updates, emailing, and posting daily reflections to Twitter, I’ve become good friends with my computer. In some ways, the technology that can keep us apart, has been helpful for keeping us together.  This past week I connected with my…
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You Are God’s Workmanship

This morning I walked into church, once again headed for my office in a very quiet building. It is strange working at the church right now. In a typical week I’d be bantering with Mary Kay and Ruth, and talking to a number of people who stop by the office. For the last week, it’s…
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God of Revival & Rest

This past week was an unexpected one by far. It feels like a lot of chaos, from the do not panic emails, the news telling us to stay home, the fact that the virus has doubled in the state I live in within 24 hours, and that most of us don’t have school for the…
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The Sustaining Word

I don’t know about you, but one of the things I’m tempted by these days is sifting through seemingly endless articles about COVID-19. What are its effects? What are the economic and political effects of our actions (or lack thereof)? What should we be doing?  I realized last week that I was getting buried under…
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