1226 Union Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Christ Has Risen

Following Jesus, Serving Others, and Sharing God's Love

Christ Has Risen

I just finished watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy with part of my family. I’ve watched the movies a number of times, and read the books at least three times through. If you called me a nerd, you would not hurt my feelings. I really enjoy this story.

Before you Star Wars fans immediately abandon this blog post like Anakin abandoned the Jedi, just put your expanded universe books back on the shelf and chill for a moment. 

One of my favorite characters in Lord of the Rings is the wizard Gandalf, but it isn’t because he wields incredible power. What I appreciate about Gandalf is the way he is constantly moving through the story to encourage, bring hope, and unite people for a great battle against evil. In fact, the story culminates in the siege of a huge city, where it seems like there is no hope for the forces of good. As the war rages on, the forces of evil are breaking through barriers, and the warriors are loosing hope, but we’re told that where ever Gandalf was, “men’s hearts would lift again…” As soon as Gandalf had moved to a new location the hearts of the people would turn to despair again, loosing hope for the battle before them. 

It’s the Tuesday after Easter. As a pastor, Easter is one of the high points of the year. Even though I regularly proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus, there is something about gathering with people on Easter Sunday that is different. From my limited pastoral experience, Easter is this amazing day when we celebrate the victory of Jesus, and our hearts lift again. We experience a greater joy as we really focus on Jesus’ triumph over death. I love Easter Sunday, but here is what I need to be reminded of, and perhaps you do too, the resurrection of Jesus is just as amazing today as it was on Sunday.

The resurrection of Jesus has the power to give us joy and hope every day. Every day we can celebrate that Christ’s resurrection means that we will be raised to new life in him. Every day we can celebrate that Christ has trampled over death, and it no longer has its sting. We don’t celebrate the day of Easter, we celebrate the risen Savior who says in John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.”

Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead, Jesus is the resurrection, and He promises all who believe in Him new life. 

Right now, the Holy Spirit is moving through our story to encourage us, bring hope, and remind us of the gift we have in Jesus. Dig in to scripture, spend time in listening prayer, and let the Holy Spirit encourage you today, and every day, as He reminds you of the life you have in Christ.